-------------------------------------------------------------- DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump -------------------------------------------------------------- DTW, level 1 Human Private Marine, committed a stupid suicide on level 2 of the Phobos base. He survived 2112 turns and scored 2500 points. He played for 2 minutes and 20 seconds. He didn't like it too rough. He killed 10 out of 19 hellspawn. (52%) -- Special levels -------------------------------------------- Levels generated : 11 Levels visited : 0 Levels completed : 0 -- Awards ---------------------------------------------------- None -- Graveyard ------------------------------------------------- ########################################################### #.+......#.....0.......0..............h.....0........0...#. #........#####+#######+###################################. #.......*#===============#........h....................0|/. #........#===============#################+###############. #........#===============/.....................00.....h..#. #.\.....0#####+####+#########/#############+##############. #.......0+........0.0...00....\..............#...........#. #........#..................}............0...#..&........#. #........#..........|......h...............0.#..0........#. #........#.........}.....|...................#...........#. #........#....00..........}..................+...........#. #........##############/###############.###/###+##+#######. #........#.0.............../..|....0.....................#. #.....0..#.....##....|.....#.......................0.....#. #........+...0.##..##h...h.#.........................>...#. #........#.........##.0....#..X...................0......#0 #........#.................#.............................#. #........#.........0.......#......................0....0.#. ########################################################### -- Statistics ------------------------------------------------ Health 0/60 Experience 320/1 ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0 -- Traits ---------------------------------------------------- Class : Marine Reloader (Level 1) -- Equipment ------------------------------------------------- [a] [ Armor ] nothing [b] [ Weapon ] pistol (2d4) [1/6] [c] [ Boots ] nothing [d] [ Prepared ] nothing -- Inventory ------------------------------------------------- [a] 10mm ammo (x100) [b] 10mm ammo (x39) [c] small med-pack [d] small med-pack [e] small med-pack [f] small med-pack -- Resistances ----------------------------------------------- None -- Kills ----------------------------------------------------- 6 former humans 3 former sergeants 1 imp -- History --------------------------------------------------- He started his journey on the surface of Phobos. On level 2 he finally committed a stupid suicide. -- Messages -------------------------------------------------- Fire -- Choose target... You see : DTW (heavily wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore Find a more constructive way to commit suicide. Targeting canceled. There is a pistol (2d4) [6/6] lying here. You open the door. Fire -- Choose target... You see : a former sergeant (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore The barrel explodes! The former sergeant dies. Boom! There is a Small Health Globe lying here. You feel better. Fire -- Choose target... You see : barrel of fuel The barrel explodes! Boom! Fire -- Choose target... You see : barrel of fuel The barrel explodes! You die!... Press ... -- General --------------------------------------------------- He's the first brave soul to have ventured into Hell... --------------------------------------------------------------