-------------------------------------------------------------- DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump -------------------------------------------------------------- Epsilon Plus, level 3 Imp Sergeant Marine, was burned by an imp on level 3 of the Phobos base. He survived 10216 turns and scored 8045 points. He played for 11 minutes and 47 seconds. He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty. He killed 43 out of 65 hellspawn. (66%) He was an Angel of Shotgunnery! -- Special levels -------------------------------------------- Levels generated : 11 Levels visited : 1 Levels completed : 0 -- Awards ---------------------------------------------------- None -- Graveyard ------------------------------------------------- ########################################################### #..#..#...h........h.#..............#..#................... #.i#..#..............#..^s..........#..#................... #..#..#..########.#..#.###########..#..#..#####.########.## #........#........#..#........s..............#..#....i..... #........#.h......#..#........h........#.....#..#......i.0. #..#####.#..#####.####..##########..####..#..#..#..#i...0## ............#....h..0..................#..#.==.....#....... 0.....h..#..#...........h..............#..#.===....#......^ ##########..#........####.#####..####..#..#..#.=########### ....|..\.#..#..........i#...........#..#..#..==............ #........#..#[..........#..........0#..#..#..=..h.......... #.#####..#..#..#####...0##########..#..#..#..##########..#. #..#.....#..#..>........#...........#h.#0.#....\.........#. #..#.....#..#.......h........|}.....#..#..|.......0.....^#. #..#..#..#..#..###########%i..X..#..#..#.#####..#..#..####. ......#.0...............i%.......#..#...0.......#..#.....#^ ......#..........................#..#...\.......#..#..0..#. ########################################################### ########################################################### -- Statistics ------------------------------------------------ Health 0/60 Experience 2009/3 ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0 -- Traits ---------------------------------------------------- Class : Marine Reloader (Level 2) Shottyman (Level 1) Rel->Rel->SM-> -- Equipment ------------------------------------------------- [a] [ Armor ] green armor [1/1] (60%) [b] [ Weapon ] shotgun (8d3) [1/1] [c] [ Boots ] nothing [d] [ Prepared ] nothing -- Inventory ------------------------------------------------- [a] green armor [1/1] (4%) [b] shotgun shell (x50) [c] shotgun shell (x50) [d] shotgun shell (x14) [e] small med-pack [f] large med-pack [g] shell box (x100) -- Resistances ----------------------------------------------- Bullet - internal 0% torso 15% feet 0% Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 15% feet 0% -- Kills ----------------------------------------------------- 12 former humans 6 former sergeants 1 former captain 11 imps 6 demons 2 lost souls 5 cacodemons -- History --------------------------------------------------- He started his journey on the surface of Phobos. On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena. He left the Arena before it got too hot. On level 3 he finally was burned by an imp. -- Messages -------------------------------------------------- You found 8 of shotgun shell. Run - direction... Run - direction... Run - direction... There are stairs leading downward here. The voice laughs, "Flee mortal, flee! There's no hiding in hell!" You enter Phobos, level 3. Where the hell is the way out of here!?! Fire -- Choose target... You see : a former sergeant (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore The former sergeant dies. Fire -- Choose target... You see : an imp (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore The imp dies. The imp dies. You are hit! You are hit! You die!... Press ... -- General --------------------------------------------------- 20 brave souls have ventured into Phobos: 18 of those were killed. 2 souls destroyed the Mastermind... 2 killed the bitch and survived. --------------------------------------------------------------