-------------------------------------------------------------- DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump -------------------------------------------------------------- Epsilon Plus, level 2 Imp Sergeant Major Technician, was burned by an imp on level 3 of the Phobos base. He survived 10871 turns and scored 6936 points. He played for 26 minutes and 11 seconds. He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty. He killed 38 out of 52 hellspawn. (73%) He was an Angel of 100! -- Special levels -------------------------------------------- Levels generated : 0 Levels visited : 0 Levels completed : 0 -- Awards ---------------------------------------------------- None -- Graveyard ------------------------------------------------- ########################################################### ..........................#...........................#...0 ###############/####/######...........^..............0##### ..........................#...........................#...# .......##.....##.##....i..#........hi............+....#...# .......##.....##.##.......#............\0....i........#...# .........................h/...........................#...# ........0.0..........##...#...........................#...+ ....##...............##...#...........................#...# ....##.........i.##..h....#...X.......h...^...........#...# .................##.......#/#+#########################...# ..........................#.h...../..|}...............#...# ===================.......###/#####......|............#...# }==============|=========%=h==============............/...# .....h.............===========&=========}====.........#...# ..............\...........#.....s.#......|}=========|====.# #/####/#####/#####/###/####.......#..|..|....============== ...........h..0.........../.....i.#................|..#..== ..........................#.......#........|..........#...# ########################################################### -- Statistics ------------------------------------------------ Health 0/50 Experience 1240/2 ToHit Ranged +2 ToHit Melee +2 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0 -- Traits ---------------------------------------------------- Class : Technician Son of a gun (Level 1) Eagle Eye (Level 1) SoG->EE-> -- Equipment ------------------------------------------------- [a] [ Armor ] nothing [b] [ Weapon ] pistol (2d4) [4/6] (T1) [c] [ Boots ] nothing [d] [ Prepared ] shotgun (8d3) [0/1] -- Inventory ------------------------------------------------- [a] green armor [1/1] (90%) [b] 10mm ammo (x100) [c] 10mm ammo (x100) [d] 10mm ammo (x88) [e] 10mm ammo (x100) [f] 10mm ammo (x100) [g] shotgun shell (x50) [h] shotgun shell (x50) [i] shotgun shell (x39) [j] shell box (x100) -- Resistances ----------------------------------------------- None -- Kills ----------------------------------------------------- 12 former humans 8 former sergeants 3 former captains 12 imps 2 demons 1 lost soul -- History --------------------------------------------------- On level 3 he finally was burned by an imp. -- Messages -------------------------------------------------- The missile hits the imp. Fire -- Choose target... You see : an imp (wounded) | bridge | [ m ]ore The missile hits the imp. The imp dies. You reload the pistol. There is a lever here. You pull the lever... There is a lever here. Close door -- Choose direction... You close the door. You close the door. Fire -- Choose target... You see : a former captain (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore The missile hits the former captain. Boom! You are hit! Boom! Boom! You are hit! Fire -- Choose target... You see : a former captain (heavily wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore Boom! Your green armor is completely destroyed! You die!... Press ... -- General --------------------------------------------------- 28 brave souls have ventured into Phobos: 25 of those were killed. 3 souls destroyed the Mastermind... 3 killed the bitch and survived. --------------------------------------------------------------