-------------------------------------------------------------- DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump -------------------------------------------------------------- Epsilon Plus, level 8 Imp Sergeant Major Technician, rode a mancubus rocket on level 17 of Hell. He survived 73076 turns and scored 64046 points. He played for 1 hour, 25 minutes and 38 seconds. He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty. He killed 420 out of 427 hellspawn. (98%) He held his right to remain violent. He was an Angel of 100! He saved himself once. -- Special levels -------------------------------------------- Levels generated : 0 Levels visited : 0 Levels completed : 0 -- Awards ---------------------------------------------------- UAC Star (bronze cluster) -- Graveyard ------------------------------------------------- ####################################======################# #.|.^...........======..#.0#........======...#..#.......... #................==.=#==#..#........======...#..#.......... #..####..#..###...===#==#..####..#..======...==.......#...= #..#.....#.....#..#..===.=.......#..======.M=====........#= #..#.....#.....#..#.....=...V....#..=.==%=%.=.===.....#..#. #........#...0=#..^..####..#..#.....======##=====..=.=..... #.....#..#..#====..===.....#=.#..h..======...===#====.=.... #.....#..#..#.==.==.==.....===#=....======..===.=.=...#=..% #..X..#.....#...#====.....==#===....======.#=====..#......# #.}#............^.====.....=.===.#..======..==.....#.....#. #..===............=......0h.==...#..======..==.....#.....#. #..====###..#.}###...#..##==0.####..======.==.###.....####. #..====M....#..#0....#........B.....======#..#............. #.=====.....#..#.....#..>.h..........======..#............. #..===####.....#..#......###..###.###======..#..#..#..#..## #........#.......0#00................======.....#..#..#.... #........#........#.........\........======.....#..#..#.... #####################################======.############### #####################################======################ -- Statistics ------------------------------------------------ Health 0/50 Experience 23877/8 ToHit Ranged +6 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0 -- Traits ---------------------------------------------------- Class : Technician Son of a gun (Level 3) Eagle Eye (Level 3) Whizkid (Level 2) SoG->EE->SoG->WK->SoG->WK->EE->EE-> -- Equipment ------------------------------------------------- [a] [ Armor ] nothing [b] [ Weapon ] energy pistol (2d6) [5/6] (P1) [c] [ Boots ] protective boots [2/2] (69%) [d] [ Prepared ] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1] (T1) -- Inventory ------------------------------------------------- [a] storm pistol (1d8)x2 [9/9] [b] tristar blaster (4d5)x3 [45/45] [c] cerberus red armor [1/2] (24%) (P) [d] 10mm ammo (x100) [e] 10mm ammo (x100) [f] 10mm ammo (x100) [g] rocket (x10) [h] rocket (x4) [i] power cell (x50) [j] power cell (x50) [k] power cell (x25) [l] power cell (x50) [m] small med-pack [n] power mod pack [o] 10mm ammo chain (x250) [p] shell box (x100) [q] rocket box (x20) -- Resistances ----------------------------------------------- Acid - internal 0% torso 0% feet 25% -- Kills ----------------------------------------------------- 52 former humans 56 former sergeants 14 former captains 85 imps 43 demons 113 lost souls 9 cacodemons 9 hell knights 6 barons of hell 2 arachnotrons 8 former commandos 8 pain elementals 3 revenants 8 mancubi 4 arch-viles -- History --------------------------------------------------- On level 12 he assembled a storm bolter pistol! Level 13 was a hard nut to crack! On level 13 he assembled a energy pistol! Level 15 was a hard nut to crack! On level 15 he assembled a cerberus armor! On level 17 he finally rode a mancubus rocket. -- Messages -------------------------------------------------- You see : a former commando (unhurt) | blood | [ m ]ore The missile hits the former commando. Fire -- Choose target... You see : a former commando (wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore The missile hits the former commando. Fire -- Choose target... You see : a former commando (mortally wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore The missile hits the former commando. The former commando dies. You reload the energy pistol. There is a plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [40/40] lying here. You fully unload the plasma rifle. There is a plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [0/40] lying here. Fire -- Choose target... You see : a mancubus (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore The missile hits the mancubus. Boom! Your red armor is completely destroyed! You die!... Press ... -- General --------------------------------------------------- 30 brave souls have ventured into Phobos: 27 of those were killed. 3 souls destroyed the Mastermind... 3 killed the bitch and survived. --------------------------------------------------------------